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ONX Wiki

Sonya Summers is a character played by Spekel

General Information[]

Sonya is widely known for her cold and calculated demeanor. Sonya has built her reputation through mayhem, murder, and a relentless pursuit of criminal ambitions.

Sonya is deeply suspicious of everyone in the city. She is highly paranoid and views all of her relationships as purely transactional. Sonya believes that under the right circumstances, anyone will betray her.

Sonya is always looking to push boundaries and test limits. She dislikes any restrictions or rules that limit her ability to do what she wants. She is highly determined and persistent in achieving her goals, even if it means acquiring wealth or assets that she sees as superficial.

Sonya operates according to an unwritten code of conduct that emphasizes respect among criminals. She avoids working with "loud" individuals unless there is a quick gain to be had with minimal risk. She has a strong disdain for criminals who snitch and will often seek them out to murder them. She also despises those who commit crimes and then claim to be civilians in order to receive protection. Sonya generally does not interfere with actual civilians unless they have a personal vendetta against her or take hostile actions towards her.

Physical Description[]

Background Information[]


Sonya prefers to work alone and strongly dislikes gangs, which she sees as limiting individual freedom and creating subservience. She generally regards those who lead gangs with respect, but she generally only begins to respect individuals after seeing their actions firsthand. Sonya has little faith in the words or reputations of others and prefers to rely on her own experiences with them.

Sonya has no relationship with law enforcement and views them as a threat to her criminal activities. Sonya is willing to go to prison for life before ever betraying her associates, and she expects the same level of loyalty from those who work closely with her.


Characters played by Spekel:
Scarlett WintersSonya Summers