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Pal Gore is a character played by Kyle.

General Information[]

Pal Gore is a politician running for Mayor of San Andreas.


He travels around the state and often makes impromptu campaign promises to potential voters. Some of these promises include being paid by the Department of Motor Vehicles $10 an hour for parking out front and having bins with guns in them for people to take, with the limit being as many as they can carry.

He believes that anyone who owns a nuclear weapon should just use them and that every home will get a nuclear weapon if he were to become Mayor. Gore wishes for every American to own at least one firearm starting at the age of 4.

Physical Description[]

Background Information[]

Criminal Record[]

MDW Profile[]

last updated 02/11/2024

Total Charges 35
Criminal Record of Pal Gore
Assualt & Battery 6
Attempted Murder of a Government Employee 1
Brandishing Firearm 2
Criminal Possession of a Handgun 1
Criminal Possession of a Rifle 1
Criminal Threats 3
Disorderly Conduct 1
Escaping Custody 3
False Imprisonment 1
Failure to Comply with a Peace Officer 1
Felony Trespassing 1
Kidnapping 4
Kidnapping a Gov Employee 2
Misuse of a Hunting Rifle 1
Petty Larceny 1
Reckless Evading 1
Resisting Arrest 3
Riot 1
Trespassing 1



  • His brother was the Vice President underneath Bill Clinton, but he wasn't involved in any of the Clinton murders
  • He is a high-functioning alcoholic


  • "We gotta storm the DMV and beat the shit out of everyone that works there!"
  • "More Gore 2024!"


Characters played by Kyle:
Kyle PredFletcher CobaltThomas CrownPal GoreHat CarlAlabaster SlimMantis GrinchRory O'Banion