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ONX Wiki

The Osiris MC is a 1% motor club that operates out of Paleto Bay.

General Description[]

Osiris Motor Club is an MC started by a few old Bondi Boys Motor Club (BBMC) members and an associate of the club.

Background Information[]

After Winston Walker crawled out of the bush he was lying in for months on end, he runs into Gemma Knight and sparks a fire that was already brewing inside her. This leads to them jumping on the idea of starting anew and crafting a new Motor Club from the ashes of the Rico'd BBMC.


They claim all of Paleto Bay, but can often be found at the Dream View Motel, The Hen House, Antler & Bone, or Gay Bay Autos.


  • Called for a Summit to gain acceptance from the other MCs in San Andreas; they were successfully accepted on July 25th, 2024. [1]
  • They're a French reggae band.
  • Their Club name is based off the Egyptian god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation.


